A Reflection on the fear of failure
a conglomerate of failure –
a kaleidoscope of procrastination -
a potpourri of bad mood -
a smorgasbord of legacies -
a tangle of fears for the future -
HELLO and welcome to today's...
...oh......huh? the lights are off... wait a minute...
...they turned off the light here...uh...hello?
there has to be one somewhere...
...anybody there? Hi? ...
can they do it just like that? ...but it took me so long to get here!...
Armed with irony and humor we dare to explore the darkest corners of human thinking. we put a spot where self-doubt dwells. let’s turn on the lights - bright neon light has ever since destroyed any self-pity!
an evening about the fear of failure, about procrastination and fears for the future.
Premiered: December 12, 2013 || Galerie Paterre as part of the exhibition "Einar Schleef's Berlin Years"
Festival invitations: NEWZ Festival FITZ! Stuttgart | Berlin Showcase, Schaubude Berlin
Playwright | Director: Roscha A. Säidow
Stage / Costume: Jana Barthel
Cast | Live Music: Franziska Dittrich, Magdalena Roth, Johannes Hubert